
Joe Ferrera
My Mission

My methods are bold and innovative.
I am here to get you noticed. I create
outstanding actors and compelling artists,
who live in their authenticity and are fearless
in the ambition to fulfil their dreams.

Our mission

“You can’t use up creativity, the more you use, the more you have.”
Maya Angelou.

My name is Joe Ferrera, this is my studio and if you are looking to grow, I’m here to help you. My methods are bold, radical, innovative and unapologetic. We are here to get you noticed… to get you where you want to be.

I have sourced some of the finest techniques, systems and methods in acting. I have worked with the finest creatives in theatre, commercials, television and film and evolved all of that knowledge, know-how, inspiration and wisdom into classes that give you the tools to be a fearless artist, ready to take the world by storm. I have created a vibrant, thriving and inclusive community, where you can develop your skills, share experiences and express yourself to the highest degree of excellence.

The acting studio of tomorrow, today.
Welcome to Studio Ferrera.

Sharpen the instrument. You.

Actor Coaching

The journey of an actor can be difficult and wonderful, mundane and imaginative, as well as exhausting and effortless. Joe Ferrera is here to coach, guide, nurture and mentor you.

Breathing life into projects


I’m an award-winning writer and director, whose unique style will enable all actors to create original and compelling performances, without compromising the vision and technical needs of the production. Joe and his expert team will take a project from pre-production to delivery, whether it’s a one page concept, script in development or a ‘signed off’ ready to go final draft.
We’ll make it happen.


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Brand new story
Global exposure for Plenty

Beyond brand value

Have you ever wondered what it takes for an actor to become a living, breathing entity of a brand? An Icon! From concept to evolution, discover how creativity sparked one of the most innovative and memorable brand characters in the advertising world.
Let Joe tell you this story…

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Creativity in action


Here are some experiences from my journey on both sides of the camera. A simple selection of the films that I’m extremely proud to have been involved with.

Home WreckersHome Wreckers Actor and Director

A couple’s romantic dinner at home is wrecked when a fly decides to join them.

Route CanalRoute Canal Actor and Director

A dentist, Caroline, also a single mum, attempts to persuade her patient, Paul, a deli owner to pretend to be the father of her young toddler son — so that she can get him into a prestigious nursery.

MorbiusMorbius Actor

Micheal Morbius tries to cure himself of a rare blood disease, but he inadvertently infects himself with a form of vampirism instead.
Released Jan 2022.

Home WreckersHome Wreckers Actor and Director

A couple’s romantic dinner at home is wrecked when a fly decides to join them.

Route CanalRoute Canal Actor and Director

A dentist, Caroline, also a single mum, attempts to persuade her patient, Paul, a deli owner to pretend to be the father of her young toddler son — so that she can get him into a prestigious nursery.

MorbiusMorbius Actor

Micheal Morbius tries to cure himself of a rare blood disease, but he inadvertently infects himself with a form of vampirism instead.
Released Jan 2022.

Home WreckersHome Wreckers Actor and Director

A couple’s romantic dinner at home is wrecked when a fly decides to join them.

Route CanalRoute Canal Actor and Director

A dentist, Caroline, also a single mum, attempts to persuade her patient, Paul, a deli owner to pretend to be the father of her young toddler son — so that she can get him into a prestigious nursery.

MorbiusMorbius Actor

Micheal Morbius tries to cure himself of a rare blood disease, but he inadvertently infects himself with a form of vampirism instead.
Released Jan 2022.


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DIG DEEP - AIM HIGH; this handy little oxymoron formed itself
in my mind after completing Joe's MasterClass 1; it seems to me
to embody two essential aspects of the week: dig deep into all that
makes up the process of acting, and aim high in terms of your
career plan. Obrigado, Joe.

Mark Cassidy

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Your workplace is a living, breathing community and how you behave is
just as important as what you say. I can develop your listening, decision
making and communication skills. This will translate into a more effective
workplace as well as a more content employee.

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